Monday - Backwards Day
Tuesday - Western Day
Wednesday - Prince/Princess Day
Thursday - PJ Day
Friday - Character Day
So on Wednesday, Emma dressed as Cinderella. Her class had a Princess Ball. All of the boys and girls were meant to 'dance' with each other, but the boys stayed with the boys and the girls with the girls, in typical fashion. When I picked Emma up today, her teachers said that she had a melt-down because she 'wanted a boy to dance with her'. She was the only girl in the class who even cared about these silly boys. They brought over an older (Preppie 2) boy named Jackson, and Emma cried even harder (I think because he's so cute and she was embarrassed) haha. Anyway, I tried to console her by telling her that even grown-up boys are hard to figure out sometimes. I also told her that one day, they will all want to dance with her. = ) And that's the truth~
Also, I can't get that song, Cinderella by Stephen Curtis Chapman out of my head.
and I will dance with Cinderella, while she is here in my arms,
cuz I know something the prince never knew
oh i will dance with Cinderella, I don't want to miss even one song,
cuz all too soon the clock will strike midnight
and she'll be gone
Here is a photo of the pouty, yet ever so beautiful, Cinderella~