Monday, June 29, 2009

I would look and look all over the whole world until I found you too Emma!

2 things....

Last night, while we were lying in bed, Emma looked over at me and said...

1. Mommy, if you weren't my Mommy...I would look and look all over the whole world until I found you.

2. This morning on the way to school, Emma was asking me about what comes next. I explained Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, High School and then College. I told her that she gets to live in her very own house when she gets to college. She burst into tears and said, "Mommy, I'm gonna miss you". I told her that she can live with me forever if she wants to. I somehow get the feeling she won't, but I honestly wouldn't mind~!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Little Mermaid

Yesteray, I took the day off to spend with Emma~ We had some quality time down at the pool and Emma LEARNED to swim~ She told me, 'Mommy, I found my courage, it is in my heart'. What a trooper. She is amazing and truly blesses me every day~

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

She didn't want her fish to get lonely...

This is what I found in Emma's playroom.

When I asked her about it, she said that she didn't want her fish to be lonely or forget what she looks like:

Friday, June 12, 2009

Family Night #3: Rainbow Night

Family Night #3 – Rainbow Night

Rainbow salad:

Roasted Veggie Kebabs
Chicken Kebabs

Rainbow Salad:
Purple Onion

Rainbow Cake

Rainbow streamers
Cloud Poster with Cotton Balls
Rainbow Balloons
Sprinkle table with Skittles

Rainbow hats from paper plates (use Cotton Balls for clouds)
Wear rainbow colors to dinner

Rainbow scavenger hunt
Color Rainbow Pictures
Rainbow Bubbles
Pot of Gold Hunt
This is a fun and creative game for the Rainbow first birthday idea. Get an empty egg carton and twelve small rocks that fit in the eggcups. Paint the rocks and corresponding sections of the egg carton with various colors. When the rocks have dried, hide them around the party area. Write down clues on colored papers (corresponding to the rock that's to be found) and have the kids hunt for the rocks and match them to the correct sections of the egg carton. At the end the kids'll find a pot full of gold chocolate coins that everyone can share

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Barbie Rainbow Princess Movie

Working hard on her rainbow hat~

Smiley Rainbow-heads

Emma checking out her hat~

Quite possibly the worlds ugliest centerpiece with quite possibly the worlds cutest kid behind it~

Sand Art in the garage~

Emma thought this was the ABSOLUTE coolest cake ever~
Always a taster~


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Family Night #2: Cowboy Night

Family Night #2: Cowboy Night

Roasted hot dogs
Baked Beans from Pot
Wanted Posters

Cowboy Hats
Painted mustaches

Finding the Gold Treasure
Pin the Tail on the Horse
Hula Hoop Lasso (Emma called it 'blasto')
Cowboy/Girl/Horse cutouts
Music: Garth Brooks Dixie Chicks

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker