this morning's conversation on the way to school:
me: Emma, we are going to Colorado this winter for your first ski trip.
em: really?
me: yes baby, you are finally old enough for ski school. they teach you everything you need to know. and the best part: when you fall, it doesn't even hurt because the snow feels like a pillow.
em (trying to sound older than 3): so mom, didja ever go snowballing out there?
me: what the???
em: well it's when you throw snowballs at each other. :-)
oh, shes getting a snowball right in her face. haha!
Don’t miss Free Cone Day at Ben & Jerry’s Scoop Shops, on April 8th
Ben & Jerry’s is celebrating Free Cone Day on Tuesday, April 8, 2025.
There’s no catch, and no purchase required — so set a calendar reminder!
Free Cone ...
1 day ago